Category Archives: Foreign Policy


BRUSSELS, Jun-25-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — There is evidence that points to the possibility that up to 88.000 Schengen visas and an unknown number of medical visas have been illegally sold without proper checks in a country where ISIS-terrorists are active.

Meet Mr. IVAN GRECH MINTOFF who recently presented evidence to the Maltese courts of a far-reaching scandal involving political appointees in the Maltese Prime Minister’s office sold Schengen and medical visas to Libyans illicitly.

Mr. Grech Mintoff’s testimony continues the work of recent murder of the anti-corruption journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta. The scandal points to high-level political direct involvement in visa trade and human trafficking, that could undermine public trust in the Schengen visa system and potentially threaten European security arrangements.

Also present will be a number of MEPs that demand an investigation.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

High-level conference on democracy in Syria in the European Parliament, Brussels

AMERSFOORT, The Netherlands, Apr-02-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — WIth this high level conference, we would like to present to Europe and European decision makers, politicians and media the Official Delegation of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (DFNS) The Delegation is headed by the Co-President of the Federation, Mr. Sanahrib Barsom.

The DFNS was founded on the principles of gender equality, ethnic and religious tolerance, sustainable ecology, and self-defence. Currently, the region is home to over 4.5 million residents, but this number consistently increases due to the ongoing arrival of (an estimated 250.000) refugees from newly liberated territory. The territory it comprises is about 30% of Syria which means about the size of Belgium. This governing body of the de facto “autonomous region” is not widely known. the military branch which is under controll of the DFNS is more known : Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) which are the main ground forces for the Coalition against ISIS/Daesh, which obviously is more than the Kurdish alone.

This high-level conference presents international speakers on this very important topic and will also have important representatives of the DFNS, form Syria itself. The first session will describe the structure of the Federation and how to “kill the mentality” of ISIS/Daesh and create the possibility for “European” refugees to return safely to the Federation area. The second session will discuss the issues of security, reconstruction and reconciliation in Northern Syria. The rest of the (closed / invitations only) conference on the 10th and 11th of April will consist of round table meetings.

Information & registration

Date: 10 April 2018 9:30 – 12:45

Location: European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Bruxelles, Belgium; Room PHS1A002

Registration: For Journalists / media with press registration/accreditation free access. Other press / media staff can send an email to

This event is hosted by MEP Branislav Skripek (Slovakia ECR / president ECPM).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New York’s Health Agency (NYSDOH) Cited in Iraq War’s Blowback

New York, NY, 2016-Dec-31 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — As the Iraq War’s official end on December 18, 2011 marks its fifth anniversary, many questions remain on its fallouts. New York’s French-American community is one of them, as it remembers its blacklisting when France opted out of attacking Iraq.

Choosing diplomatic pressure rather than “shock and awe” ignited fury for many in New York. The call for anti-French boycotts resonated in tabloids as pictures of New Yorkers spilling wines in gutters vied with accusations of an ally’s betrayal and cowardice. Information can be found by googling “New York’s French boycotts and Iraq,” and “Freedom fries.”

How effective were the boycotts? “Very much so, even devastating,” says French consulate’s official physician and mental health coordinator at the time, Gérard Sunnen, MD, “the French-American community of New York was stunned by their virulence. Why, many wondered, did they materialize only in New York, in striking contrast to the rest of the country?”

“Targeted were all manner of French-American businesses, from Air France to bakeries, as rosters of marked companies circulated widely. Earliest felled were restaurants, whose sales plummeted by as much as half. Like dominoes, they closed their doors, dismissing their workers. Called by many the “consulate’s darkest hour,” it went on for weeks, interminable months, and still resonates today.”

“As layoffs mounted,” Dr. Sunnen added, “so did their mental health consequences, from all manner of stress reactions to self-destructive depressions. And workers suddenly out of work could not find employment because no one would take them. The consulate’s social services department work load soared to levels never attained before.”

Faced with this onslaught, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) was repeatedly contacted to lend the community its medical and mental health assistance. In addition, New York state and city top officials were insistently asked to add their voice to call off the boycotts. All appeals remained unanswered and, for reasons of non-assistance and abandonment of responsibility, this matter was eventually reported and filed in New York and Federal courts.

Dr. Sunnen, who also cites his experience as a Vietnam-era U.S. veteran, concludes, “history needs constant reckoning, otherwise it can remain a fable. These events are now brought to light so that long-term allies can better understand the meaning of their relationship.”


Gérard Sunnen, MD:
Supreme Court, State of New York, No. 102194/2012
U.S. District Court, Southern District of NY 12 Civ. 3417
U.S. Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 13-465cv
U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) 1:13-cv-1242
New York State Division of Human Rights (NYSDHR) No. 10181422
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) No. DCA96MA070

Contact-Details: Gerard Sunnen, MD


Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

Est d’Ucraina: Compagnia europea Flame SA paga a gli guerriglieri

KIEV, 08-Nov-2016 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — “Giornalisti contro la corruzzione e illegittimità” – un gruppo di giornalisti-investigatori Ucraini – ha comunicato dei documenti compromettenti che si sono trovati a loro disposizione e confermano la collaborazione della compagnia europea Flame SA con La Repubblica Popolare di Donetsk (RPD) – organizzazione a riconoscimento limitato che ha preso la territoria al Est d’Ucraina sotto suo controllo.

Il documento sopracennato è un contratto a consegna di 72 000 tonnellate di carbone tra Flame SA e la miniera “Jdanivska” che si trova nel territorio non controllato al Est d’Ucraina. Questo territorio, anche come tutte le imprese localizzate, sono conrollati dai ribelli filorussi della stessa RPD. Intanto, tali relazioni commerciali devono essere regolati proprio dalla legislazione Ucraina: l’impresa, anche stando al territorio non controllato, deve pagare le tasse al bilancio statale, poiché è registrata al territorio d’Ucraina e si trova li stesso.
Però, dopo l’inizio di azioni militari nel 2014, molte compagnie della regione hanno dichiarato della nuova registrazione, iniziando a pagare le tasse al bilancio della autodichiarata RPD.

Praticamente, questo è il diritto finanziameno degli guerriglieri. In mezzo a tali “sponsor” – la sopracennata miniera “Jdanivska” che a sua volta riceveva i soldi dalla europea Flame SA.

A quale base la Flame SA acquistava il carbone proprio in questa miniera e perché non ha trovato una fonte alternativa per le consegne di questa materia prima – resta l’incognita. I rappresentanti della compagnia non hanno risposto ne a una domanda dei giornalisti ucraini.

Tra le altre cose, il sito web della Flame SA è inaccessibile, per questo non risulta possibile avere dei commeti ufficiali della compagnia su quest’affare.

Il Servizio di Sicurezza d’Ucraina (SSU) si è già interessato del fatto del presente contratto – per adesso solo nella parte di rinvio a giudizio penale del direttore della miniera “Jdanivska”, il signore Ruslan Dubovskiy. È accusato di esecuzione delle operazioni illegali d’esportazione con Flame SA e una serie di altre compagnie allo scopo di “fininziamento del terrorismo” (clausola 258-5, parte 1 del Codice Criminale d’Ucraina). Al presente, l’indagine del SSU su quest’affare continua.

Ma non è l’unico “buco” della compagnia Flame SA. Secondo i dati dei giornalisti ucraini, la compagnia in violazione delle sanzioni internazionali ha dei rapporti commerciali con un’altra miniera – “Zarechnaya”, che si trova nella Federazione Russa. Questa miniera è l’attivo della compagnia “Uralvagonzavod” che a sua volta sta nella lista delle compagnie sottomesse alle sanzioni degli Stati Uniti e Unione Europea.

Flame SA e le sue filiali F-Chem SA e Brando International sono situati allo stesso indirizzo in Svizzera. L’attività principale della compagnia è la ricerca e consegna del carbone energetico, coke di petrolio e coke mettallurgico. Flame SA esercita commercio in tutto il mondo, il suo capitale impiegabile è 1 milione di franchi svizzeri. E non è una sorpresa, considerando i volumi degli acquisti e il profitto ricevuto.

Fonte: EuropaWire

La société européenne «Flame SA» paye aux rebelles de l’Est de l’Ukraine

KIEV, 08-Nov-2016 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — «Les journalistes contre la corruption et l’illégalité», un groupe de journalistes enquêteurs ukrainiens, a signalé des documents compromettants dont on avait saisi, qui témoignent de la collaboration de la société européenne «Flame SA» avec la République populaire de Donetsk (RPD), l’organisation non reconnue qui avait pris contrôle du territoire de l’Est de l’Ukraine.

Le document susmentionné est un contrat pour la fourniture de 72 000 tons de charbon conclu entre «Flame SA» et la mine «Zhdanivska» située sur le territoire incontrôlé à l’Est de l’Ukraine. Ce territoire, aussi que toutes les entreprises se trouvant sur lui, est contrôlé par les insurgés pro-russes de cette RPD. Pourtant, c’est la législation ukrainienne qui doit réglementer toutes relations commerciales comme ça : même les entreprises sur le territoire incontrôlé sont obligées à payer ses impôts au budget de l’Etat, étant immatriculées et situées sur le territoire de l’Ukraine.

Néanmoins, beaucoup de sociétés en cette région du pays ont déclaré leur «réimmatriculation» après le début des hostilités en 2014 pour payer leurs impôts au budget de la RPD autoproclamée. En fait, c’est un financement direct des rebelles. La mine «Zhdanivska», qui a reçu de l’argent à son tour de la société européenne «Flame SA», est parmi ces «sponsors».

Reste à savoir à quel titre «Flame SA» a choisi cette mine pour se procurer du charbon et pourquoi on n’a pas trouvé de source alternative de matière. Aucune demande des journalistes ukrainiens a été répondue par les représentants de la société.

Cependant, le site web de «Flame SA» est indisponible, ce qui rend impossible l’obtention de quelconques commentaires officiels sur ce marché par la société.

Le contrat a déjà capté l’attention du Service de Sécurité d’Ukraine (SSU), jusqu’à présent seulement au niveau de la traduction en justice du directeur de la mine «Zhdanivska» Ruslan Dubovsky. Il est accusé d’avoir effectué des exportations illégales à «Flame SA» ainsi qu’à un nombre d’autres sociétés afin de «financer le terrorisme» (article 258-5, paragraphe 1 du Code pénal de l’Ukraine). L’enquête du SSU sur l’affaire se poursuit jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

Et pourtant, ce n’est pas le seul faux pas de «Flame SA». D’après les journalistes ukrainiens, la société a également des relations commerciales, en contournant les sanctions internationales, avec une autre mine, «Zarechnaya», qui se trouve dans la Fédération de Russie. Cette mine représente un actif de l’entreprise «Uralvagonzavod» inscrite sur la liste des compagnies et des entreprises sanctionnées par les Etats-Unis et l’Union Européenne.

«Flame SA» et ses filiales «F-Chem SA» et «Brando International», elles toutes ont la même adresse suisse. L’activité principale de la société est la recherche et la livraison de charbon de chaudière, de coke de pétrole et de coke métallurgique. «Flame SA» fait du commerce à travers le monde, son capital libre s’élevant à un million de francs suisses. Rien d’étonnant, étant donné le volume des achats et les montants recueillis.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Palestinian Statehood Bid Questioned at UN Headquarters in New York by International Christian Delegation

A group of Christian pastors presented an outline of Bible prophesies to the U.N. relating to the proposal to recognise Palestine this month and the dangerous consequences to the nations. As reported by The Washington Post and The Associated Press in a news release dated Wednesday, August 31, 2011, Israel is resigned to the U.N. General Assembly’s endorsement of a planned Palestinian bid for admission as a state to the United Nations in late September.

Conservative Christians are virtually unanimous in their support for Israel. In mid-August, Yahoo News reported that Bible-believing pastors were in New York City to warn U.N. officials concerning the Palestinian’s admission to the United Nations. The group informed officials of the Bible’s strong warnings against dividing the land of Israel. One member of the delegation was quoted as saying“There’s a Jew on the throne of heaven and Israel is his land.”

They have repeated their warnings of the Bible’s declaration of the true owner of the land of Israel and the predicted consequences to the Nations that are involved in dividing Israel. A summation of their beliefs is as follows:

1. God’s ownership of the entire land of Israel is absolute and His conveyance of the land to the Jewish people disallows U.N. authority over Israel.

• God said of Israel, “The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine…” Leviticus 25:23

• God gave it, “To Israel for an everlasting covenant, saying, unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance” “And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee…all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” Genesis 17:8

2. Granting nation status to the Palestinians defies God’s declaration of ownership and will lead to the following judgments:

• God said that all nations would collectively divide the land of Israel and that the people and nations involved would be judged severely. They used the following Bible verses to support their case: Zechariah 12:3 “…I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” Joel 3:2 states: “I will also gather all nations …and will plead with them…for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.”

• The Bible also teaches that subsequent to dividing the land of Israel, God will bring the following types of catastrophes and judgments which are revealed in the Prophets and the New Testament:

• Worldwide financial collapse

• Worldwide weather disasters and extreme heat waves

• The greatest earthquake of all time leading to the cities falling

• Worldwide famine with plagues and pestilence

• Armageddon

“For the LORD shall rise up …he shall be wroth…Now therefore be ye not mockers…: for I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth.” Isaiah 28:21-22

Some have asked how a loving and merciful God could seek to destroy the nations for coming against Israel. The answer they state is that they have rejected The Lord Jesus Christ, referred to in the Bible as the King of the Jews and the ruler of heaven and earth.

• “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Matthew 28:18

• “The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath. He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries.” Psalms 110:5-6

Several U.N. staff members agreed that the Bible teaches that Jesus, who paid for the sins of the world with His blood, will return and reign over the whole earth. The delegation quoted the following Biblical verses in the context of Jesus’ offer of mercy and imminent worldwide reign: “And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up…to worship the King, the LORD of hosts…” Zechariah 14:16

Those who recognize their personal sin and ask Jesus for salvation will escape the world-wide judgements. “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness…” Mark 7:21-22

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases Changes Its Name To

The popular U.S. election news website, 2012 Election News, has officially changed its name. Jillian Curtin, Editor-in-Chief of has announced that the website has changed its name and URL to, to provide an accurate reflection of its ongoing focus.

“The response has been overwhelming,” said Curtin. “What started out as a simple 2012 election discussion has turned into a national conversation about our personal rights, needs and dreams.”

The name change is effective immediately and the site’s new URL is What began as a forum for the U.S. presidential elections in August 2010 has evolved and taken on a life of its own. The site was originally created as a non-partisan informational venue for news about U.S. elections and candidates. The website also provided voters with a forum for the free exchange of ideas on issues of concern.

In less than a year, US Election News has grown from a hub for local, national and global election news to a go to website for information on the economy, the war on drugs, workers unions, employment, government spending, worker safety and natural disasters relateing to our government leaders. The site also addresses immigration, healthcare, terrorist activities, the emerging green energy industry, social issues and international relations as releated to United States and Presidentail elections.

The multi-media site features a wide range of audio, video and written content. The publication informs voters about topics of concern that affects them on a local and national level, along with issues in far reaching locations around the globe. US Election News disseminates information on a non-partisan basis from Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Tea Party members.

US Election News has its headquarters in Cartersville, Georgia. The publication is always seeking qualified journalists to provide news and information for a balanced view on local and global issues. The site recently launched its complimentary Facebook page that can be found at The Facebook site welcomes visitors and invites them to engage in lively civil discourse and debate on topics both foreign and domestic.

US Election News is dedicated to providing voters with a balanced view of the issues and actions taking place on a daily basis that affects all facets of life in a global community. The site welcomes visitor interaction and communication for a better understanding of government and world events that shape the history of the world each day.

US Election News can be contacted by phone at 202-379-2821 or by email via the convenient online form.

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

The Inside Story, William E. Mayer’s Warriors – No Place for the Meek

A magnificent two volume book set of “Beyond the Call, Memoirs of a Medical Visionary”, the life and times of Dr. William E. Mayer, has just been released and is available through national distribution in book stores and online everywhere. This is the stirring biography of one of America’s most noted, dedicated and decorated heroes. From his beginnings in the military, to his courageous climb in civil service and political station in government office, his career was a true and valiantly fought war of a different kind…for the rights and dignity of the US warrior and private citizen of the United States. Every soldier honors his country, his fellow military brother or sister and those who have passed in valor by committing to memory and living by the very principles that make the American soldier the best and toughest fighting machine in the world…the Military Code of Conduct…brought about by the work of William E Mayer, MD in the study of POW’s and their behavior following the Korean War.

Dr. Mayer relates with great candor, the unvarnished realities of dealing with medical incompetence, how it happens and why it happens with great clarity and brutal honesty. He recorded each event of his personal missions over the tours of duty in some of the hottest combat zones of Korea, the Middle East and Washington DC. Dr. Mayer was never a shy, retiring type, but a warrior who welcomed the challenge to get it right, correct it now and build it strong with conviction, drive and purpose.

From his broad perspective as a dedicated military officer, Assistant US Secretary of Defense and Assistant U.S. Surgeon General, these books expose the unsavory secrets of political incompetence and corrupt practices that were in his charge to fix and then police. He became one of the most respected physicians in government. He will take you there word by word, action by action and event by event in these two volumes that you will never put down until finished. He is charming, witty, poignant and sometimes brutal, but will never polish the truth.

“Beyond the Call, Memoirs of a Medical Visionary” is published by Mayer, Publishing Group International located in University Place, Washington and Albuquerque New Mexico. The book is available directly from, or your local bookstore. Dealer discounts offered through Baker & Taylor & Ingram.

Review copies are available to accredited media venues by contacting: or calling (760) 978-4122. When requesting via e-mail, please provide your name, title, organization, address and phone number.

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

War Crimes and Crimes against humanity in Ogaden

Ethiopia’s refusal over Ogaden war crimes issued at 26.11.2008

Injustices and human rights abuses inflicted upon the Somali people in Ogaden dated back to the Ethiopian occupation of Ogaden at the end of World War II. This Occupation took place three periods. The last part was handed over to Ethiopia in 1954 by Great Britain. who was colonising Ogaden. Since then the Ogaden people are fighting for their rights to self-determination and Ethiopian successive governments including the current EPRDF/TPLF regime were committng war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ogaden.

On 09th June 2007, Ethiopian Prime Minister, Zenawi, declared in a news conference in Addis-Ababa that his army has launched a political and military operation to contain the activities of the Ogaden National Liberation Front. This was the beginning of the genocide and ethnic cleansing which is still going on in Ogaden. The war crimes and crimes perpetrated by the Ethiopian government in Ogaden was first time witnessed by the United Nations mission who visited Ogaden in 2007. This mission has recommended in vain an independent investigation to be carried out.

However, Ethiopia declined to implement any recommendation of this international body as UN and continue to blocked human rights organizations, international media access to Ogaden with the aim of hiding the suffering of the civilians. At the same time Ethiopian government expelled from Ogaden several NGO’s, such as ICRC and MSF while those who were allowed to go to Ogaden are confined in the Garrison town at the discretion of Ethiopian government. In addition, to the continuation of genocide in Ogaden, the Ethiopian government wants to impose a new bill which bans the international NGOs work in a number of fields, including conflict resolution, children’s rights, disabled rights and criminal justice reform.

It’s obvious, that the international community does not expect putative answer to accept the crimes it committed against Ogadeni people, instead of confessing they prepared such false report to once more hoodwink international community. The Ogaden people are not only suffering from human rights violation but also socially and economically. With no aid from the international donors, the Ethiopian authority would not be able to stay in the Ogaden and commit War Crimes.

Finally, we request the United Nations, the EU, the AU and international community to take their responsibility and force Ethiopian government to open a corridor for aid to Ogaden and allow human rights organizations and international media to operate in Ogaden freely. At the same time we request that they set up international mission to investigate human right situation in Ogaden and bring to justice the perpetrators of this heinous crimes in our country, Ogaden, crimes witnessed by the United Nations’ humanitarian mission at the end of 2007 confirmed by the Human Right Watch.

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

Welcome to EPR Government News

EPR Government News is a new blog, part of EPR Network, that is going to be focused on and will be covering the Government news and stories from press releases published on EPR Network.

EPR Network (EPR stands for express press release) is one of the nation’s largest press release distribution networks on Web. The EPR’s nationwide network includes 12 State based PR sites, one major PR forum and a number of industry specific PR blogs and what started as a hobby on Internet years ago turned out to be a rapidly growing business today. EPR Network is also known as one of the most trusted (human optimized, published, edited and monitored, spam/scam/low quality PR content free) PR sites on the web with more than 10,000 company and individual press releases distributed per month. EPR Network is putting your press releases on top of all major search engines’ results and is reaching thousands of individuals, companies, PR specialists, media professionals, bloggers and journalists every day.

EPR Network has thousands of clients around the world including global 500 corporations like Hilton Hotels, Barclays Bank, AXA Insurance, Tesco UK, eBay/Skype, Emirates, just to name a few. The network’s PR web sites are currently reaching from 150,000 to sometimes 500,000 unique visitors per month while our viral reach could possibly go to as much as 1M people per month through our presence across various social media sites. EPR Network was established in 2004 and as of May 2008 it had more than 800,000 press releases (pages) published on its network.

If you have a press release to be distributed, you can do it over here: press release distribution