Edward Palonek Of Foundmoney.com Has New Interesting Ideas To Help Mr. Obama Stimulate The Economy By Reuniting People With Their Missing Money

Edward Palonek reports that more than 9 billion dollars are unclaimed in New York State. “With rate of recovery nearing 75%, the money from unclaimed accounts could add up to close to 7 billion dollars of economic stimulus” says Palonek, founder of FoundMoney.com

People find money in many places like street corners, old jackets, but few consider the idea of finding money online. The new trend is to search for money online. While there are many websites, one stands out of the crowd. Foundmoney.com has been operating since 1994 where thousands of people have found a small fortune. Recently, someone in New York State has claimed an account worth over 4 million dollars in stocks he did know existed. The top account holders in New York are valued at $6.8 million dollars. There are some millionaires walking the streets and they don’t even know about it.

Government institutions like IRS has unclaimed money and procedure for storing and locating the owners of this money. According to irs.gov website, the abandoned property is stored according to (05-15-2008). These section states that:

“Abandoned or other unclaimed currency or monetary instruments shall not be deposited into the Treasury Suspense Account. Abandoned or other unclaimed currency or monetary instruments may be deposited into the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Suspense Account until an owner files a proper claim or title vests in the United States”.

Edward comments “Claiming the money from various institutions can be tricky but most are relatively easy”. IRS has a very strict procedure on claiming money as to the section of the “Abandoned Property” manual, which state:

“The procedures relating to claims filed for abandoned or unclaimed property contained in 41 CFR 128–48.502 and 41 CFR 48.503 are similar to the petition for remission or mitigation process covered in IRM 9.7.7, Claims and Petitions”

President Obama has promised massive spending bills to stimulate the economy, perhaps one of the first agenda on the new administration list should be the re-structuring current handing and recovery of unclaimed money. “As in New York, the 9 billion dollars could go a long way to help this State” comments Edward. Currently the handling of unclaimed money by the State and other intuitions allows for a lot of fraud. As a result of various found money scams the states are making it harder for legitimate unclaimed money owners to claim their money. Foundmoney.com has seen all sort of scams and claims of unrealistic fortunes. “Be aware of the imitators who promise a large sum for a small percentage” says Mr. Palonek

Via EPR Network
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One of Them: A First Responder’s Story

One of the first responders who helped clear debris and search for bodies at the World Trade Center site is hoping President-elect Barack Obama doesn’t repeat the mistakes made by the Bush administration in handling the care of his fellow volunteers.

Steven Centore, a nuclear physicist and Navy veteran, was one of the many volunteers who assisted in the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attack.

Unfortunately, as do many of the other rescue workers, Mr. Centore now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and other medically debilitating ailments that have kept him from working. These conditions have required endless surgeries and physical therapy to treat.

In his book, One of Them: A First Responder’s Story, Mr. Centore details the neglect and mistreatment he and his fellow volunteers have suffered at the hands of the government.

“The Bush administration really fumbled this issue,” says Mr. Centore, a lifelong Republican. “The attacks of that day are still having an effect on this country in the wars we fight overseas. But they’re also having an effect here at home.”

Mr. Centore spent months at the World Trade Center and says that exposure to the toxins in the air at the site have crippled or killed thousands of first responders. His book includes some shocking statistics about the health of first responders, including:

• 4,517 people with upper respiratory ailments
• 3,857 with lower respiratory illness
• 398 with lung disease
• 2,616 with asthma
• 1,340 with sleep apnea
• 2,528 with heart conditions caused or worsened by 9/11

“I was appalled at the lack of support and meager financial resources provided to 9/11 first responders by the US government,” says Mr. Centore, who has testified before Congress about the thousands of people just like him who were told that the air at the WTC site was not dangerous.

He adds, “I wanted to tell the story of how I became ill, what the government did and did not do for me, and what happened to me as a result. I’d like to shed some light on the cover-ups that the government has been perpetrating in the news.”

To learn more about how you can help, or to buy the breakout book One of Them: A First Responder’s Story, visit www.SteveCentore.com or www.wadv-oneofthem.com. The book is also available on Borders.com, Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.

For more information about One of Them: A First Responder’s Story, contact Steve Centore directly at Scentore@yahoo.com.

WORLDWIDE ASSOCIATION OF DISABLED VETERANS, INC. and author Steven Centore chose Arbor Books, Inc. (www.ArborBooks.com) to design and promote One of Them: A First Responder’s Story. Arbor Books is an internationally renowned, full-service book design, ghostwriting and marketing firm.

(One of Them: A First Responder’s Story by Steven M. Centore; ISBN: 0-9801274-0-8; $16.95; 208 pages; 5½”x 8½”; softcover; Worldwide Association of Disabled Veterans, Inc.)

Via EPR Network
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As the country’s economic crisis worsens even while the US government pumps billions of dollars into failing banks and industries, another major threat to the nation’s financial stability is going unnoticed

As the country’s economic crisis worsens even while the US government pumps billions of dollars into failing banks and industries, another major threat to the nation’s financial stability is going unnoticed.

A particularly insidious form of pollution called “stray voltage” is impacting the health and agricultural sectors of American life and business, and the financial consequences could be enormous. 

Stray voltage — electrical current that travels through the ground and the infrastructure we all touch every day — has escaped the attention of major media. But its effect on the economy might be just as devastating as errant Wall Street banks, according to one expert.

Russ Allen, author of Electrocution of America: Is Your Utility Company Out to Kill You?, says, “Stray voltage is a massive tax on the American economy because it causes health problems for people and losses in revenue for farms across the country. The cost to the government could be in the billions.”

Mr. Allen also notes, “Because so many Americans are uninsured, and because stray voltage has been shown to exacerbate conditions such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis, the effect on the economy has been massive. The only problem is that no one is noticing.” 

Stray voltage has been deemed dangerous enough in Wisconsin, Michigan and Canada that legislation was introduced in an effort to regulate it. Most of that legislation has not passed and most people don’t know that it likely runs through the pipes of their homes, showers and pools, and that is has killed people, according to Mr. Allen.

In Electrocution of America, Mr. Allen explores the cost of stray voltage to the economy through his own multimillion-dollar lawsuit against Wisconsin Public Service, which he won. 

“I wasn’t the only one affected. This happens all over the place,” says Mr. Allen. 

According to Electrocution of America, stray voltage hurts the economy in the following ways: 

• Increasing hospital visits 
• Loss of work time due to illness
• Fines and lawsuits resulting from stray voltage mishaps
• Decreased production of product on America’s farms

Russ Allen lives outside of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and is a leader in the movement against electrical pollution animals. He won a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against Wisconsin Public Service for the damage they caused because of a poorly designed electrical distribution system.

Electrocution of America: Is Your Utility Company Out to Kill You? can be found on Amazon.com,  BarnesandNoble.com, Borders.com, PriceGrabber.com and Ecampus.com. 

For more information, contact the author directly at allen4568@sbcglobal.net.

GLENMORE BOOKS and author Russ Allen chose Arbor Books (www.ArborBooks.com) to design and promote Electrocution of America: Is Your Utility Company Out to Kill You? Arbor Books is an internationally renowned, full-service book design, ghostwriting and marketing firm. 

(Electrocution of America: Is Your Utility Company Out to Kill You? by Russ Allen; ISBN: 0-9779685-0-2; $22.95; softcover; 5½” x 8½”; 406 pages; GLENMORE BOOKS)

Via EPR Network
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War Crimes and Crimes against humanity in Ogaden

Ethiopia’s refusal over Ogaden war crimes issued at 26.11.2008

Injustices and human rights abuses inflicted upon the Somali people in Ogaden dated back to the Ethiopian occupation of Ogaden at the end of World War II. This Occupation took place three periods. The last part was handed over to Ethiopia in 1954 by Great Britain. who was colonising Ogaden. Since then the Ogaden people are fighting for their rights to self-determination and Ethiopian successive governments including the current EPRDF/TPLF regime were committng war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ogaden.

On 09th June 2007, Ethiopian Prime Minister, Zenawi, declared in a news conference in Addis-Ababa that his army has launched a political and military operation to contain the activities of the Ogaden National Liberation Front. This was the beginning of the genocide and ethnic cleansing which is still going on in Ogaden. The war crimes and crimes perpetrated by the Ethiopian government in Ogaden was first time witnessed by the United Nations mission who visited Ogaden in 2007. This mission has recommended in vain an independent investigation to be carried out.

However, Ethiopia declined to implement any recommendation of this international body as UN and continue to blocked human rights organizations, international media access to Ogaden with the aim of hiding the suffering of the civilians. At the same time Ethiopian government expelled from Ogaden several NGO’s, such as ICRC and MSF while those who were allowed to go to Ogaden are confined in the Garrison town at the discretion of Ethiopian government. In addition, to the continuation of genocide in Ogaden, the Ethiopian government wants to impose a new bill which bans the international NGOs work in a number of fields, including conflict resolution, children’s rights, disabled rights and criminal justice reform.

It’s obvious, that the international community does not expect putative answer to accept the crimes it committed against Ogadeni people, instead of confessing they prepared such false report to once more hoodwink international community. The Ogaden people are not only suffering from human rights violation but also socially and economically. With no aid from the international donors, the Ethiopian authority would not be able to stay in the Ogaden and commit War Crimes.

Finally, we request the United Nations, the EU, the AU and international community to take their responsibility and force Ethiopian government to open a corridor for aid to Ogaden and allow human rights organizations and international media to operate in Ogaden freely. At the same time we request that they set up international mission to investigate human right situation in Ogaden and bring to justice the perpetrators of this heinous crimes in our country, Ogaden, crimes witnessed by the United Nations’ humanitarian mission at the end of 2007 confirmed by the Human Right Watch.

Via EPR Network
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